And Now The Blogging End Is Near...
I can't believe it took almost 48 hours to dismantle this blog! I thought it would only take a few hours. At the same time, I can't believe it only took a couple of days to wipe out 21 months of writing, 900 posts, and a lot of memories. BUT I did save it to my computer....the hard way and the easy way. I also printed it on paper and can't believe I needed over a thousand sheets to complete the task.
I don't know how I feel right now. A little sad and a little relieved. If you're wondering if you missed something, you didn't. I did it without warning because I didn't want to be talked out of it. This blog has brought me mostly joy, but it's also put me under a lot of scrutiny. I've grown more and more envious of my fellow bloggers who have recently started over from scratch and become anonymous.
At this time, I'm not throwing in the towel on this blog so that I can start up another. For those of you who have been around since the beginning, you've probably noticed this blog has been on life support for about the past 8 months. I've used every stalling tactic from blog rehab to gross pictures in attempt to keep my blog going until I felt like writing again. And then most of my writing became updates about surgery and insurance. I've been feeling like I was letting you guys down for a long time now.
Although it would have been easier to just wipe out this blog with the push of one button, I wanted to keep it up so that I can update all of you precious people following Lindley's story. And part of me hopes I can find my love for writing again so that I can use this cool template! I still love this thing!
Also, I had written a post earlier about saving around 400 of your emails and comments so that I could respond to you and let you know how much they meant to me or made me chuckle. I accidentally deleted it with all the other posts. It was basically saying that life feels so overwhelming right now, I'm going to have to take that off my list of things to do and just focus on getting through the next couple of months with Miss Lin. But please know that I have always really loved your comments on my blog or replies from your blog.
I've pretty much shut down shop here, but it's not completely over yet. I might have some things to share before Lin's surgery, and I'll definitely tell you how she's doing after the surgery on October 2. My email is Like I said, I may or may not have the time to reply. We'll see how things go. Much love my bloggy friends!
(Insert Frank Sinatra singing, "I Did It My Way" here. The actual video was too cheesy to post even for me. ) :D
I can't believe it took almost 48 hours to dismantle this blog! I thought it would only take a few hours. At the same time, I can't believe it only took a couple of days to wipe out 21 months of writing, 900 posts, and a lot of memories. BUT I did save it to my computer....the hard way and the easy way. I also printed it on paper and can't believe I needed over a thousand sheets to complete the task.
I don't know how I feel right now. A little sad and a little relieved. If you're wondering if you missed something, you didn't. I did it without warning because I didn't want to be talked out of it. This blog has brought me mostly joy, but it's also put me under a lot of scrutiny. I've grown more and more envious of my fellow bloggers who have recently started over from scratch and become anonymous.
At this time, I'm not throwing in the towel on this blog so that I can start up another. For those of you who have been around since the beginning, you've probably noticed this blog has been on life support for about the past 8 months. I've used every stalling tactic from blog rehab to gross pictures in attempt to keep my blog going until I felt like writing again. And then most of my writing became updates about surgery and insurance. I've been feeling like I was letting you guys down for a long time now.
Although it would have been easier to just wipe out this blog with the push of one button, I wanted to keep it up so that I can update all of you precious people following Lindley's story. And part of me hopes I can find my love for writing again so that I can use this cool template! I still love this thing!
Also, I had written a post earlier about saving around 400 of your emails and comments so that I could respond to you and let you know how much they meant to me or made me chuckle. I accidentally deleted it with all the other posts. It was basically saying that life feels so overwhelming right now, I'm going to have to take that off my list of things to do and just focus on getting through the next couple of months with Miss Lin. But please know that I have always really loved your comments on my blog or replies from your blog.
I've pretty much shut down shop here, but it's not completely over yet. I might have some things to share before Lin's surgery, and I'll definitely tell you how she's doing after the surgery on October 2. My email is Like I said, I may or may not have the time to reply. We'll see how things go. Much love my bloggy friends!
(Insert Frank Sinatra singing, "I Did It My Way" here. The actual video was too cheesy to post even for me. ) :D
I wondered what was happening with your blog last night as the dates were changing. Now I know! I am sorry to see your blog disappear but I total understand the need to do so. And even though you are not here blogging, our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and your family over the next critical month(s). You will be missed!
Doughnut, at Tue Sep 11, 05:47:00 AM
OMG! I am soo sad!
I need to call you.
Terri@SteelMagnolia, at Tue Sep 11, 07:32:00 AM
Unknown, at Tue Sep 11, 10:54:00 AM
You will be missed :( All my good thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless!
Kate, at Tue Sep 11, 11:54:00 AM
You will be very missed. Hugs and prayers to you, love!
Ann(ie), at Tue Sep 11, 12:31:00 PM
Anonymous, at Tue Sep 11, 12:50:00 PM
You have a lot going on right now. I hope everything goes well with the surgery. Please let us know how things progress if you get the chance.
Southern (in)Sanity, at Tue Sep 11, 01:06:00 PM
You mean, I started reading AFTER your blog turned to crap? I never even noticed!
You da best, Jennifer!
Kurt, at Tue Sep 11, 01:58:00 PM
Nope, I didn't notice it was crap either. :) Blessings and best wishes to you and the family throughout all of Lindley's recovery time!
mamashine, at Tue Sep 11, 02:10:00 PM
I too was wondering. I feel sad that you are not going to be were one of my first "blog loves"! :)
I will miss reading you....but I understand. I really hope and pray Lin does wonderfully with her surgery. I hope you know I really appreciated all the kind comments and emails from you. Take care!
Queen of the Mayhem, at Tue Sep 11, 07:51:00 PM
I'm so bummed but I completely understand. As you travel down this difficult road please know that I am praying for you and your family, and especially Lindley. If you need a heart mom to talk to you know where to find me. Please keep in touch.
Mary Fran Muir, at Tue Sep 11, 08:35:00 PM
A blog is a lot of responsibility. I sometimes feel a bit worn thin simply providing posts for mine (I have a three week post minimum I've kept the past three years). Of course, I will miss this blog when it is gone!
Terence Towles Canote, at Tue Sep 11, 09:20:00 PM
And the day will come when, despite your resolve, you say "Damn, I have to write about this!"
And you will. And we will be happy. And so will you.
Anonymous, at Tue Sep 11, 11:26:00 PM
Damn...I disappear for a few days and look what happens?! Seriously, though, girl...good luck with everything, and I hope you can keep us updated. We'll miss you!
Anonymous, at Wed Sep 12, 03:03:00 AM
awwww, dont go. This is so sad
carmachu, at Wed Sep 12, 06:21:00 AM
I totally understand why you need to take a hiatus, but I will really miss your writing. What will I read while I drink my morning coffee? Please continue to keep us updated on Lindley, because I know we are all concerned.
Erin, at Wed Sep 12, 06:46:00 AM
I am disappointed to see you close shop. You are truly a talented writer and I will miss the laughter and reflection upon my own life that you bring.
I too have been on hiatus from writing for 6 months. But I am planning on changing all that this month. I hope you'll continue to stop by and leave comments or play along in the caption contests. Laughter is the best medicine you know.
Wishing you and your family well during the next few months. You all will be in my prayers and thoughts.
Dazd, at Wed Sep 12, 09:21:00 AM
I totally understand.
Prayers will continue coming from Alabama for Lindley and your entire family.
God bless you!!
Super B's Mom, at Wed Sep 12, 01:06:00 PM
It's been a pleasure getting to know you. I will miss you. Stay in touch, okay?!!
OhTheJoys, at Wed Sep 12, 01:10:00 PM
I don't generally get all mushy - but ditto Kurt - I had no idea that it wasn't wonderful just how it was!
Your family is in my thoughts and I wish for the best for all especially little Lindley -
I will still look in occasionally (too stupid to figure out RSS yet) to see if you have updated - thank you for the laughs, the inspiration, and the courage to just say whatever is on my mind.
momumo, at Wed Sep 12, 02:04:00 PM
Bye bye Jennifer. I will miss your inspiration. PLease do keep me posted on your daughter. I feel like there should be a funeral for your blog....
Adios dear blog friend!
Deb, at Wed Sep 12, 08:33:00 PM
I will miss you. I understand. I've thought about doing the same thing. I'm thinking of downloading and organizing some of my better posts into a book.
I will miss you.
MM, at Wed Sep 12, 11:28:00 PM
I think you're a little like Garth Brooks... threaten, threaten, threaten. Unlike Garth Brooks retiring, I will miss you while you're gone. I also have your email so I can estalk you.
Ryan, at Thu Sep 13, 12:02:00 AM
I wish you and your family all the best, Jennifer. {{hugs}}
*~*Cece*~*, at Thu Sep 13, 04:24:00 PM
Life is funny...sometimes ha ha, and sometimes strange.
I didn't even start reading your blog until you had started posting about your daughter's surgery. You captured my heart immediately. It meant a lot to me, and especially when I found out you are "a neighbor"!
I still hope to meet you someday, by chance, out shopping in the mall or eating lunch at Abuelo's.
God Bless.
Jackie, at Fri Sep 14, 05:31:00 PM
Came here from Julie's blog - Joyful days. I have had to delete a lot of mt blog posts .. and re-started.....
.. you can re-build. you can start over. yes, you can.
Liza on Maui, at Wed Sep 26, 11:59:00 PM
wow* i hope she's OK*
i wondered what happened to U*
all of a sudden U just disappeared off the Map*
U will be Happy U backed yer stuff up tho*
Good or Bad it's all part of the Journey*
Cheers + Peace Jenny*
BillyWarhol, at Sat Oct 13, 01:36:00 AM
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