About Farting
Okay, one more post. This one deserves its own place in my opinion.
I have a four year old named Lindley. We've been working really hard on manners, helping mommy clean the house, and picking up things on the floor that mommy is too uncomfortable at 8 1/2 months to pick up. She's been doing GREAT just as her twin sister and 3 year old little brother have as well. I don't even think that sentence made sense.
As a side note, I've found that a lot of people in public want to ask me when my baby is due and if it's my first. I like to tell them it's my fourth baby in four years. That's when they look at me like I must get drunk a lot and forget my birth control pill. Then I add, "But it's been 3 years since I had my last baby." And then I walk away while their eyes are still cut to the side and their lips are moving while they're trying to do the math. It's not as fun as when I was able to say I had 3 babies 14 months and under, but it still puzzles people. You'd be surprised how many people forget that twins make it possible. Those are the same people who ask if my twins are identical--one being brunette with brown eyes, the other being blond with blue eyes.
Anyhoo, back to manners that we're working so diligently on...
Apparently Lindley "broke wind" the other day. I never even heard it, but she said, "Excuse me!" I was beaming with pride and had just started to applaud her manners when she added, "....says my butt!"
Ahhhhhhh, outta the mouths of babes. But thank you, Lindley, because "says my butt" is now my new favorite phrase to use in random conversation.
I have a four year old named Lindley. We've been working really hard on manners, helping mommy clean the house, and picking up things on the floor that mommy is too uncomfortable at 8 1/2 months to pick up. She's been doing GREAT just as her twin sister and 3 year old little brother have as well. I don't even think that sentence made sense.
As a side note, I've found that a lot of people in public want to ask me when my baby is due and if it's my first. I like to tell them it's my fourth baby in four years. That's when they look at me like I must get drunk a lot and forget my birth control pill. Then I add, "But it's been 3 years since I had my last baby." And then I walk away while their eyes are still cut to the side and their lips are moving while they're trying to do the math. It's not as fun as when I was able to say I had 3 babies 14 months and under, but it still puzzles people. You'd be surprised how many people forget that twins make it possible. Those are the same people who ask if my twins are identical--one being brunette with brown eyes, the other being blond with blue eyes.
Anyhoo, back to manners that we're working so diligently on...
Apparently Lindley "broke wind" the other day. I never even heard it, but she said, "Excuse me!" I was beaming with pride and had just started to applaud her manners when she added, "....says my butt!"
Ahhhhhhh, outta the mouths of babes. But thank you, Lindley, because "says my butt" is now my new favorite phrase to use in random conversation.
I can't believe you are so close to your due date! The time has flown by! (Well, for me, but maybe not quite so fast for you...)
Miss Notesy, at Thu May 08, 08:04:00 PM
excuse me...says my butt... it's the new phrase!
two weeks away??? we have to have a blogger shower after the fact I guess. I was thinking Father's day was the duedate.
Bobby D., at Thu May 08, 10:14:00 PM
hey Dude! Hows it going???
did you ever see Jon & Kate Plus 8. ???
it's an experience. I think they must be really tired.
It must feel like running a 24 hour day care facilty some days instead of a home.
Squirrel, at Thu May 08, 11:19:00 PM
I need some polite farting lessons for my seven year old. She has no shame. The other day we were walking and she said, "I just farted six times in a row, a little with each step." If she hadn't told us we never would have known.
Not much longer and the update here will be for your baby! Do you have the birth scheduled or are you letting nature take its course?
Unknown, at Fri May 09, 12:49:00 AM
Most important, is Merle still in name contention should it be a boy?
Merle Sneed, at Fri May 09, 09:44:00 AM
Lin Rocks! And I'm so happy to see blog updates from you (says my butt).
RG Mama, at Sat May 10, 09:47:00 PM
Itchy, says my butt...tmi? :)
Anonymous, at Sun May 11, 02:38:00 PM
I am going off to find a reason to use this phrase....IMMEDIATELY!
Queen of the Mayhem, at Sun May 11, 06:25:00 PM
Super B's Mom, at Tue May 13, 09:28:00 AM
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