Oh my gah!
If there were a hot line to call for complainers, I'd be on it all the time.
Here are my complaints in no particular order:
I have raging heartburn if I don't keep on top of the Zantac 150. I'm talking, "I'm going to throw up fire and bile any second now" kind of heartburn.
MY BODY HURTS WICKED BAD! It hurts to take a step. It hurts to shift my body while sitting down. Everything hurts. It's beyond an aching back and feet. Why does it hurt so much more on some days than others? My doc told me the more children you have, the more pain you're in during the pregnancy. I've also read that some women are more sensitive to the hormone needed to spread your body cavity so you can house and then push out an enormous object from your crotch. I would like to take this opportunity once again to say how grateful I am that I'm being sliced open instead of taking the crotch option. It took me about two seconds to make peace with the fact that I'll never be able to have a vaginal birth, and a second a half of those two seconds I was thinking about something else.
Secondly, I can't get my kids well all at the same time!!!! Gracie's on her second round of meds for her ears and woke up last night with a fever. She's coughing constantly despite cough suppressants and honey. I have to say that the honey works better than the cough syrup though. Also, I came down with a stomach bug yesterday and am loving the aches and chills. I love it so much that I've now passed on at least the stomach woes to Grace and Alex. Woo! I'm a great mom like that. Of course, no one will let me take a sick day.
Thirdly, we've got four weeks and some days now until the c-section date assuming Faith doesn't come early. The company where Ironman works is just now getting swamped. In my last agonizing pregnancy weeks, I'll have almost no help from him since he'll be working 7 days a week and those days will be extra long days. When he mentioned to his boss that he doesn't mind all the (non-paid) overtime now because he'll be taking some time off next month, his boss had no idea what he was talking about. Ironman reminded him we're having our fourth child. The boss asked why he'd need more than a day off. Ironman told him that he'd like to have some days off when I come home from the hospital to help with the kids since I will still be recovering from major surgery. The answer was, "Well see."
"THANK YOU!" SAYS MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, there are more complaints where those came from, but I'm in need of a nap and luckily my kids are miserable, tired, and will hopefully fall asleep by the time the Zantac puts out the fire in my chest and throat. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm not at all happy that my kids are miserable. Quite the opposite. The lucky part is that hopefully we're all about to get some sleep to make up for the hours of sleep we lost in the middle of the night.
If there were a hot line to call for complainers, I'd be on it all the time.
Here are my complaints in no particular order:
I have raging heartburn if I don't keep on top of the Zantac 150. I'm talking, "I'm going to throw up fire and bile any second now" kind of heartburn.
MY BODY HURTS WICKED BAD! It hurts to take a step. It hurts to shift my body while sitting down. Everything hurts. It's beyond an aching back and feet. Why does it hurt so much more on some days than others? My doc told me the more children you have, the more pain you're in during the pregnancy. I've also read that some women are more sensitive to the hormone needed to spread your body cavity so you can house and then push out an enormous object from your crotch. I would like to take this opportunity once again to say how grateful I am that I'm being sliced open instead of taking the crotch option. It took me about two seconds to make peace with the fact that I'll never be able to have a vaginal birth, and a second a half of those two seconds I was thinking about something else.
Secondly, I can't get my kids well all at the same time!!!! Gracie's on her second round of meds for her ears and woke up last night with a fever. She's coughing constantly despite cough suppressants and honey. I have to say that the honey works better than the cough syrup though. Also, I came down with a stomach bug yesterday and am loving the aches and chills. I love it so much that I've now passed on at least the stomach woes to Grace and Alex. Woo! I'm a great mom like that. Of course, no one will let me take a sick day.
Thirdly, we've got four weeks and some days now until the c-section date assuming Faith doesn't come early. The company where Ironman works is just now getting swamped. In my last agonizing pregnancy weeks, I'll have almost no help from him since he'll be working 7 days a week and those days will be extra long days. When he mentioned to his boss that he doesn't mind all the (non-paid) overtime now because he'll be taking some time off next month, his boss had no idea what he was talking about. Ironman reminded him we're having our fourth child. The boss asked why he'd need more than a day off. Ironman told him that he'd like to have some days off when I come home from the hospital to help with the kids since I will still be recovering from major surgery. The answer was, "Well see."
"THANK YOU!" SAYS MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, there are more complaints where those came from, but I'm in need of a nap and luckily my kids are miserable, tired, and will hopefully fall asleep by the time the Zantac puts out the fire in my chest and throat. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm not at all happy that my kids are miserable. Quite the opposite. The lucky part is that hopefully we're all about to get some sleep to make up for the hours of sleep we lost in the middle of the night.
Well, on the bright side you've won a vintage portable hairdryer!
Anonymous, at Wed May 14, 08:53:00 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
taco, at Wed May 14, 09:00:00 PM
Sorry about the heartburn --step away from the Texican Food!
taco, at Wed May 14, 09:01:00 PM
Oh. Suck. Praying y'all are all well. And fast! On a side note, the sworn-by cough remedy in my twins club is Vicks Vapor Rub on the soles of the feet, then socks on top. All the MOMs swear by it for themselves and their kids. Worth a try, at least.
RG Mama, at Wed May 14, 10:40:00 PM
My offer still stands to take the kids off your hands for a bit. Are they able to travel alone?
Merle Sneed, at Wed May 14, 11:33:00 PM
I feel soooooooo bad for you girlie! I remember how bad I hurt with my 4th (and LAST! baby)... my heart goes out to you.... although I did choose the crotch-type birth you were talking about... with all 4 of my pregnancies. gah! What was I thinking? I could have had a tummy tuck while delivering a baby. Now what woman would turn that down?
Good luck to ya!
Nancy Jensen, at Thu May 15, 08:30:00 AM
His boss sounds like an ass!
I just have to say, I love reading your posts, especially during this pregnancy. It makes me ever so glad I got a tubal after my 2nd child was born! lol I don't know how you do it, but big props to you!
*~*Cece*~*, at Tue May 20, 01:25:00 PM
Not that mormon woman on TV. She's had like 50 kids and every pregnancy she's still all happy and calm and zen about it. Like nothing hurts. My ASS!
The only time I ever had heartburn was when I was pregnant. So sorry, I feel your pain :(
Miss Awesome, at Sat May 31, 02:26:00 PM
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