Jon & Kate Plus 8
I know a lot of us are watchers of the reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8.
A friend sent me a link yesterday to an interesting blog. When I brought up the show on this blog before, an anonymous person left some information about how Jon and Kate are deceiving the public.
Here's the link I received yesterday.
Aunt Jodi's (the red head who cares for the children) sister writes it. I thought it was a hoax at first, but there's video of Jodi on the blog stating that the blog is legit. There are some interesting stories and links to articles written about the family. A children's advocacy group of former child stars is apparently pleading with Jon and Kate to stop filming their children stating that children need secrets and privacy regarding issues of making friends, etc.
She also gave the low down on how they're making a lot of money yet still qualifying for public assistance...or health care. Now I can't remember what I've read, but it was interesting. Check it out for yourself and share your thoughts with me if you get the chance.
A friend sent me a link yesterday to an interesting blog. When I brought up the show on this blog before, an anonymous person left some information about how Jon and Kate are deceiving the public.
Here's the link I received yesterday.
Aunt Jodi's (the red head who cares for the children) sister writes it. I thought it was a hoax at first, but there's video of Jodi on the blog stating that the blog is legit. There are some interesting stories and links to articles written about the family. A children's advocacy group of former child stars is apparently pleading with Jon and Kate to stop filming their children stating that children need secrets and privacy regarding issues of making friends, etc.
She also gave the low down on how they're making a lot of money yet still qualifying for public assistance...or health care. Now I can't remember what I've read, but it was interesting. Check it out for yourself and share your thoughts with me if you get the chance.
Yes, I found that website myself and it changed the way that I saw that show. But especially Kate. I can't watch it anymore without my heart hurting just a little for the kids. It wouldn't be so bad but they are not truthful. I mean,if you have a chef and a ton of help, then just say it or not, but don't say that all you do is prepare a meal, serve a meal and clean up a meal. That is what really gets me. The woe is me lies. I know it has got to be tough even if she does have a ton of help, but no lies, please.
Sara, at Thu Oct 09, 03:44:00 PM
I quit watching it a long time ago- Kate is just so mean that it makes me sad. I can't stand the way she always labels the kids right in front of them- "oh, this one is mommy's little helper, this one is a drama queen, this one is so stubborn..." Those poor kids have no privacy and no real life to themselves.
That blog was very interesting and reinforced my opinions.
mamashine, at Thu Oct 09, 09:48:00 PM
Kate has said mean crap to her kids from day one--and the way they BOTH complained about Mady so much--that kid is bound to have problems (they call her mean, controlling, say her teeth are disgusting, all sorts of things.) She wasn't even six years old when they constantly whined about her. The father often makes fun of Joel, wobbling his head from side to side saying "Duh" pretending to be a clueless kid--like Joel is an idiot. and it's all on a TV show--good luck to those kids. They are quick to point out the flaws so the kids will be able to see/hear it all over and over and over again.
It isn;t "cute" to call your kid sneaky or airhead or manipulative. Not too smart either. I feel very sorry for those kids. They all seem like good kids with a whiney dad and controlling mom.
Anonymous, at Fri Oct 10, 01:24:00 PM
Did the dad get a pricey hair transplant or something?
wasn't he out of work? I'm confused!
Anonymous, at Fri Oct 10, 01:26:00 PM
I can't say I am really surprised by any of this. She seems a little "intense" on the show.
It is truly a shame if the kids are being exploited...though they seem pretty well adjusted to me!
Queen of the Mayhem, at Sun Oct 12, 08:59:00 AM
No matter what my thoughts are about Jon and Kate, I thought that website was pretty hateful. Who do you really believe?? I think the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.
EE, at Tue Oct 14, 01:53:00 PM
I thought the tone of the blog sounded pretty angry, but the anger seems to stem from how her sister was treated...not as some irrational whistle blower who wants her 15 minutes of fame.
I think the family "secrets" that are not revealed to the public make the show kind of misleading. I think Kate deserves any extra help around the house and with the kids that she can get, but not financial assistance from the government. If they want to do speaking engagements for money, that's one thing, but no publically funded nurses to be used as babysitters. Love offerings at churches would be more understandable if they were straight with the people about how well off they are---but stating they are worse off than they are to get more cash from church goers seems wrong to me (if that's truly the case).
Like EE said, I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Also, I don't think the parents believe they're harming the kids by making their lives public. I think they're just riding this train while it's available because one day they might really be expected to make it on their own financially. The opportunity presented itself...I know I couldn't have my life on t.v. People would rip me to shreds.
Flawed And Disorderly, at Tue Oct 14, 04:58:00 PM
I still watch occasionally and wonder if all the controversy is actually helping!! (unintentionally of course!)
I did notice Kate saying, see, they enjoy the outings... or see, I try to make it fun for them, or give them little she has been reading the blog directly!
You know Jenn, you are right. No one can realize how they might act if given different opportunities. I would never want to be on tv, but to have hubby home 24/7, great vacation and kids''s tempting. And everyone's bad traits are magnified under pressure. Especially weird tv pressure.
headlesschickie, at Wed Oct 15, 12:53:00 PM
Everyone above seems to be just another liberal WHINER. Everyone just step back and ask yourselves one question, 80% of the time what is it you see from the children? Can you guess the answer? A SMILE. Through this show these kids are getting the opportunity to do and see things that would normally be impossible for a family of 10 to do. If you see them crying and fighting, guess what? That is what children do! That's what you did when you were in diapers! You would also get frustrated with the care of 8 children so don't make these parents seem like bad people. Go ahead and have 8 children and see if your opinion changes. Until then don't judge someone who does. Shame on every single one of you who think that these parents are simply taking advantage of their children.
Gabe Howard, at Mon Nov 03, 09:07:00 PM
If either Jon or Kate had gainful employment(jobs outside the home, you know, what most Americans have to raise their children)other than the TV show, it would not feel so exploitative of the children. But at this point in time, neither Jon or Kate works (as soon as enough money was rolling in from TLC, Jon quit his job, and he wasn't on that job too long either,to live off the kids). Therefore, Jon and Kate will continue to force the kids to work for them -- living off the money the kids "earn for them." The kids are the parents' "CASH COWS." Stop exploiting the kids! And, shame on TLC -- only worried about the almighty dollar and ratings! When the kids are too old to be cute and interesting, no more gimmicks (deceipt) can be added to the show, then what Jon, Kate, TLC??? The kids are left with their TV documentary -- ouch!!!
Anonymous, at Thu Nov 27, 07:55:00 PM
出張ホスト, at Sat Aug 22, 08:11:00 AM
家出, at Sun Aug 23, 07:09:00 AM
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救援部, at Tue Aug 25, 07:57:00 AM
倶楽部, at Thu Aug 27, 07:20:00 AM
プロフ公開, at Fri Aug 28, 07:15:00 AM
素人, at Sat Aug 29, 07:29:00 AM
SM度チェッカー, at Mon Aug 31, 07:18:00 AM
Sorry to tell you, but I can't read any of these comments being left and I'm too lazy to have them translated.
Jenny Haha, at Mon Aug 31, 07:22:00 AM
セフレ, at Wed Sep 02, 07:24:00 AM
デリバリーホスト, at Thu Sep 03, 06:44:00 AM
チェッカー, at Mon Sep 07, 07:21:00 AM
性欲のピークを迎えたセレブ熟女たちは、お金で男性を買うことが多いようです。当、熟女サークルでは全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からとなっております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください
熟女サークル, at Thu Sep 10, 07:00:00 AM
グリー, at Sun Sep 13, 06:48:00 AM
セレブ, at Thu Sep 17, 06:13:00 AM
プロフ, at Fri Sep 18, 07:26:00 AM
ゲイ, at Sat Sep 19, 05:57:00 AM
家出, at Tue Sep 22, 06:06:00 AM
公開プロフ, at Fri Sep 25, 06:36:00 AM
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